Thursday, August 27, 2009

My New Home in Santa Fe

Hi Everyone! I am safe and sound in Santa Fe. The bus trip down from Texas was actually really wonderful. I didnt remember how much I love road trips and staring out the window. Somehow Lisa and I made it with our minimal spanish on the bus and made sure not to stay at the stops longer than the quince minutos or cinco minutos, so that we didnt get left behind. That was usually the only part that I understood when the bus driver spoke over the internet. Another big shock was when we went to use the bathroom at a bus stop and it had a turnstile to enter and a lady that worked there pointed at the wall that showed the bathroom cost 3 pesos! Granted that is only like 30 cents but I had never had to pay to use a bathroom before! How crazy. I had to buy a pepsi light (diet) in order to have the change. Along the way there were lots of lose animals, horses and cows and little one bedroom shacks where people lived inside. Many of them were made out of paper and old cardboard that were found. Just a reminder, I am not in Naperville anymore, and the things that I will be seeing are not going to be anything Ive seen before.

Anyway, we made it to Mexico City and Padre Salvador, Caro and Jess were sitting there waiting for us!! I was so relieved. Then we made the some-what scary car ride to Santa Fe. Since it was about 10pm by the time we got home, we only drove by the Parish and where Carolyn works and went straight home. Our house is really different than most American homes. It has completely tiled floors and has a door coming out on the side to the alley (right off of a big street though). I cant really figure out how to explain it but I will take some pictures and post them. Coming in I could already feel myself a little culture shocked at how busy it was, and how the buildings are so close together. Also there are lots of stray dogs everywhere that I just want to wash and feed and pet. Probably not the best plan?

Today, we are getting a tour of Santa Fe and we had a tour of the Parish. There are lots of gruseome statues of Jesus and less gruesome more beautiful ones of saints all around. There are lots of people in the Parish and always women praying in the Church. I am starting to get used to having tortillas because a major part of my diet, but it looks like I will be eating pretty well here. My roomates try not to eat processed or genetically modified food (corn), so lots of fresh stuff. I get to see the Guarderia soon!! I am very excited!! I will write again when I know more!

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love those gruesome statues of Jesus.

    Mmmmmmmm tortillas...
