Saturday, August 8, 2009

Decision Time...

So, as many of you know by now, I have decided to become an Incarnate Word Missionary and live in Santa Fe, a part of Mexico City for the next year and a half. I had always planned to go abroad after I graduated from college, but imagined that I'd join the Peace Corps and end up in some exotic country in Africa. However, about a month before graduation I still had not applied anywhere and decided to apply to IWM, where my good friend Courtney Cranston had gone to serve abroad. Still hoping to go to Africa, I quickly realized that the image in my head was not exactly what was going to happen. I headed into my "missionary" program very apprehensive but more scared of becoming a real adult and having to look for a job, so, I wrapped my head around living in Mexico and jumped into a brand new experience without any idea of what I'd actually be doing there.

Saying goodbye to Chicago was one of the hardest things I have done so far (wait until I'm living in Mexico with the Spanish, eh?). I had finally found a home and established great relationships with my friends and family. Just as I started to think that I had made a bad decision, tearing up in the airport in front of all the cute sailors, I remembered that I was running toward an amazing opportunity. I am seeking an inner peace that I have only found when doing honest, humble work with those who need it most and I am hoping that I will be able to encompass that peace and learn how to keep it and live it, in Chicago. I will be learning how to live simply, in community and reconnect with my faith while serving the people.

Now, I am here in San Antonio (TX) in three weeks of training. Still with my old cell and computer access. Its funny to say goodbye to all these people and then still have the ability to talk to you all for another 2 weeks... But I am trying not to be obsessively on my computer or phone so that I can get to know my fellow missionaries. To be honest I was a little nervous that the program was going to be overly Catholic for me, but now that I am here I am sure that this was the right path for me. The Sisters of Charity that started the Incarnate Word Missionary program are wonderful women! They are dedicated to moving wherever people are in need and trying to relieve some of the problems there. Just normal women who have used their faith as a motivation for promoting social justice around the world. Originally in San Antonio, now in MX, Peru, Zambia, Guatemala and Tanzania.

The Missionaries with me are great!! Lisa is my current and future roomate in Santa Fe, and is amazing. She went to school just a hop skip and jump, away from me at Depaul and I didn't even meet her until we were living together here in San An! She is great, from a small Missouri town, very positive, always smiling and very athletic. (I'm hoping that will rub off on me and eventually I will be able to run marathons too..maybe? ha.) I am really excited to be spending these next years with her. The other newbies, are Marcelle (good one-liners), Andrea (entertainer), Jenn (the activist), Paula (the Brit), Linda (the Chauffeur) and Mike (token male), are all great in their own ways.

Okay, well it has been 100 degrees everyday here and we have been in talks 9 to 5 (or later) everyday since Monday, so I think I'm gonna go read and make this my first official blog post. I will be writing more tomorrow, I have a feeling I'm going to be addicted to this. I'm happy to have you here with me on my journey so keep me up to date on your life as well.
Miss You all and love you. Peace.

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