Thursday, July 15, 2010

It's so hard to say goodbye...

We have officially finished our time at the guardera and while I feel happy for how much the kids have advanced, I likewise, feel a sadness for leaving. I have learned and grown so much with working in this community and it is something I will never forget. I hope I can come back and visit so as to keep them alive in my thoughts and prayers.

Lisa and I with Paquita our Boss and friend at the Guarderia
While we haven't said our final goodbyes to Paquita and our co-workers, we had our last day as Maestras and turned in our smocks. The tears started flowing and there wasn't words to explain our appreciation toward the Guarderia.

The 3rd year students dancing as part of their graduation ceremony.
The last day entailed a graduation ceremony for the kids heading off to elementary school and the recieving of certificates for the students who excelled over the year. We ate together, shed a few tears together and celebrated a completed year.
While I was struggling to find the words to say goodbye to my kids, I thought, am I really never going to see these little ones ever again? An entire year of sharing with these amazing kids, smiles, hugs, "I love yous," tears and scratches. A year of some struggles and difficulties but in the end, it was worth it. Every single one of those kids I grew to love, for who they were, for their hyperactiveness, for their shyness, for their ability to always make me laugh. The Guarderia has been a very important and special part of my life here in Mexico and now the realization is setting in that I am going home. I may never see these kids again, but I hope that I may have made the slightest bit of difference in their life, even if it was only learning their ABCs. I however, will keep their love and joy guarded with me forever.
Here are a few photos, from the end of the year lion project with my class:

all my peace and love.

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