Monday, March 8, 2010

Hello Sunshine!

First, I want to apologize for my horrible lack of communication the last few weeks. The Visa offices have not only been occupying my time but also my thoughts.

It's hard to believe tthat ive already been here 6 months. The last month felt as if it didn't even happen. Jess and I successfully went to the second Visa office Thursday. While the nubmer and length of lines was a little scary at first, we passed through the lines and got everthing turend in and paid. However, the first office seriously frustrated me by miscommunication for the necessity of another letter needed. Luckily we were able to get everything and turn it in. I now need to wait 2 weeks and return to the office and then continue on to a third office. I feel relieved for the moment however, the process is frustrating and exhuasting and im ready to be done.

Caro has been gone the last two weeks and the house has been pretty quiet. I missed out late night before bed chats. The good news is Im feeling more and more at home here. I spent the last couple weeks cooking, cleaning and more importantly socializing in the community. I am feeling more comfortable in teh church community and I am enjoying "conviviendo" (living and sharing time together). I h feel friendships growing and feel more secure in my life here. Also with Caro in the US I have been desiring a visit home or a visit from a friend or family memer here. It looks like i will have a couple weeks of vacation in the end of july and am mentally planning a trip back to Chicago. I can't handle staying and not visiting. I did have a really exciting surprise of recieving a package from Hannah that lifted my spirits. She took my love of warmth iln Knee socks to a whole new level in thigh high socks! Haha. As well, Bob sent me an insanely fantastic CD!! I miss new music!!
I also recieved letters from Ashley and Jackie in the last few weeks that brightened up my days.

Things at the Guarderia are going well. However, I have been desirring a more important role in something here. I am going to attempt to start a new program but need to make a proposal and plan before I expose it to the public. I do help at the Guarderai but also spend a lot of time waiting for something to do. However, the kids always love to see me and if I miss a day they are excited when I return. And me too.

Things with Josue and I are really fantastic. We went to Couacan this weekend for the day and bought bracelets, a scarf, ate ice cream and people watched. Its a touristy area but it was a lot of fun to go with him and look around and take pictures and spend the day in the nice sun. I also heard a few people speaking english which always excites me. I really had a fantastic day and I will have to post some pictures again soon. I can't wait to find the next place to explore with him.

On coming here I had wanted to stay for a year and a half but my contract was only made for one year. Seeing as how fast this 6 months has gone, Im not ready to leave in August. Therefore I am planning on staying more time. I would still like to stay a year and half total, but if that won't be possible I will stay for another year. Im not ready to leave. Although I'm not sure with my loans if I can afford to stay that long. I really hope it works out.

Sorry again for the lateness. Hopefully this month I will have lots to write about with the retreat and with easter. A huge Passion play is going to take place that they have been practicing for since January 1st!

Please keep me updated in your lives and throw comments at me. I hope you all know how much I miss and love you!!

Be safe. Have fun! Be kind.

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