Thursday, December 31, 2009

Navidad season

AS it goes in the US as well, December has flown by. Christmas came and went and I hardly had time to recognize the holiday in order to miss all of you. Now that I have my vacation time off work (woo! 2 Weeks!) It has given me the time to think of all that I missed at Christmas.

December like November, was hard on me health-wise. It seemed just when I started to get better something else hit me. From Stomach flu, to bad colds to even a kidney infection! I just can't seem to stay healthy. I'm eating healthier than I've ever probably eaten before. Taking VItamins and getting more rest than I'd like to admit. Hopefully it will all pass. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good health from now on.

Dec. at the Guraderia: THe kids got to go on a field trip to a forest to learn about the environment and Lisa and I found out about it the day before. THe kids had fun but most of the time Lisa and I spent keeping the kids under control and watching them. Then one day some highschoolers came and handed out presents to all the kids at the Guarderia. This would have been an okay thing but right after the students left, all of the presents were recolected and kept until Jan 6th when they will be passed out on three kings day "Reyes Magos." It didn't seem very fair to hand out presents to the kids and then take them away for another month. But Santa did come to visit the kids on the last day before break. The kids seemed really excited. Most of them were able to say what present they wanted for Christmas. They also recieved bags of candy from Snata. It was simple but I think the kids really enjoyed the day. I wish I had knew S.C was coming though so I would have brought my Camera! boo. We were all supposed to come the following Monday to see the kids sing and perform for their Parents but when Lisa and I arrived no kids were there. It had been cancelled and pushed back because No kids showed up. Bummer. But we had a nice meal and celbration with SOr. MAria Luisa and all the teachers.

My Christmas was really nice. It was simple but it was fun. Wile I love the Parish and everyone tries to inlude us as family, I knew spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day thee would have made me sad and missing Christmas with my family. Lucky for me Josue had invited me for Christmas Eve with his family. It was a lot of fun. We arrived at his aunt' s house after one turn around to get something left at the house (nice to know my family isn't the only one who forgets things). THen by 9ish most of the family shoed up. WE went half of us outisde and half inside to sing Posada. Posada is a tradition of call and response singing re-enactiong Mary and Joseph seeking Shelter the night Jesus was born. Then at the end the doors are opened and the peole are allowed in the house. It is a cute tradition that I enjoyed. Another different tradition was the rocking of baby jesus statues from each family members house. 4 of us held out a blanket and slowly rocked the blanket back and forth with the baby jesus statues inside and everyone sang songs. Then the family read the gospel together and prayed and we went to eat. After a very untraditional, but delicious christmas dinner, we had a big group toast. Everyone went around the room and had their turn to talk and give thanks for the dinner and to god for everything they had. It was a nice way of allowing everyone to share and be a part of the night. Then as always, the night ended with a little exciting salsa dancing!
Christmas day we spent in the parish helping serve a dinner to the community. Unfortunately not as many showed up as we would have liked but it was nice to do something for the community on Christmas. Then we spent time at the house opening our presents for one another. My favorite present was from Caro, who I share a bedroom with. She gave me a dream catcher. I had woken her up the week before talking 2 different nights while I was sleeping. Ha. It was a funny present.

Ok, well that is my update for now. I will try to write more about New Years this weekend. Happy New Year EVERYONE! I love you and Miss you dearly.

p.s. 2010 creeeeepy.

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